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Argyll and West Dunbartonshire Records Change in Policing Needs as Restrictions Ease

  • 27/08/2021 11:17:26
  • Anti-social behaviour, disorder, public nuisance, neighbour disputes and noise complaints reduced significantly according to figures released by Police Scotland.

Serious Assaults Down in Lanarkshire as Covid Restrictions Removed

  • 27/08/2021 10:45:04
  • There were 27 fewer reports of serious assault according to figures released by Police Scotland.

Crime Returning to Previous Levels in Lothians and Scottish Borders as Restrictions Ease

  • 27/08/2021 10:39:23
  • Recorded crime is returning to previous levels within the Lothians and Scottish Borders, as the lessening impact of COVID restrictions continues.

Policing Needs in Tayside Increase as Covid Impact Reduces

  • 27/08/2021 09:58:25
  • The policing needs of communities in Tayside increased during the first quarter of 2021-22 compared to the same period last year, latest figures show.

Assault and robbery – Cathkin Drive Clarkston, Glasgow

  • 27/08/2021 09:41:04
  • Detectives at Greater Glasgow Division have released images of two males that they wish to speak to as they believe they may have information that could assist their enquiries in relation to an assault and robbery which occurred in Glasgow

Policing needs of communities increasing as Covid restrictions ease

  • 27/08/2021 09:35:08
  • The policing needs of communities increased during the first quarter of 2021-22 compared to the same period last year, Police Scotland’s latest Performance Report shows.

Policing Demand Returns But Housebreaking Falls in Glasgow

  • 27/08/2021 09:33:11
  • As Covid 19 restrictions were eased in the first quarter of 2021/2022, Greater Glasgow saw a return to near normal policing demands.

Recorded Crime Down in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde as Covid Impact Reduces

  • 27/08/2021 09:22:56
  • Recorded incidents are down against the same reporting period last year according to the latest figures published by Police Scotland.

Rise in Overall Crime Within North East as Impact of Covid Lessens

  • 27/08/2021 09:19:32
  • The number of recorded crimes in the North-East rose during the first quarter of 2021-22 compared to the same period last year latest figures show.

Slight Fall in Overall Crime in Highlands and Islands as Covid Restrictions Ease

  • 27/08/2021 09:16:44
  • Figures published today show a slight decrease in the number of recorded crimes across the Highland and Islands Division for the first quarter of 2021-22.

Policing Needs Shift in Dumfries and Galloway as Covid Restrictions Ease

  • 27/08/2021 09:12:10
  • The latest figures show increases across most crime groups including sexual crimes which have increased across the country

Housebreaking Continues to Fall in Fife as Covid Impact Lessens

  • 27/08/2021 09:09:02
  • Housebreaking and motor vehicle crime has continued to decline in Fife, despite the lessening impact of COVID restrictions affecting recorded crime numbers.

Overall Crime Down in Forth Valley as Covid Impact Lessens

  • 27/08/2021 09:06:07
  • Crime in Forth Valley is lower than last year, despite the lessening impact of COVID restrictions. 

Group 1 Crime Down Slightly in Ayrshire

  • 27/08/2021 09:02:14
  • Total Group 1 crime has dropped marginally across the area with seven fewer reports of non-sexual crimes of violence.

Child passes away following road crash on the A99 at Occumster

  • 26/08/2021 15:27:45
  • Police Scotland can confirm that a two-year-old boy has died as a result of his injuries, following a road crash at Occumster last weekend.


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Safer communities, less crime, supported victims and a thriving workforce. Read about our 2030 vision and three-year plan.

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Police Scotland support those who wish to become police officers, special constables or police staff by hosting various online and in-person recruitment events throughout the year.

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Worried that your partner or the partner of someone you know might have an abusive past? You have the #RightToAsk. Domestic Abuse is everyone’s business. Information now available in BSL.

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If you've reported domestic abuse, rape or sexual crimes to us, we'd appreciate your feedback on the service we provided.

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