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23-3231 - Personal Data (SAR & Third Party)
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:05 | Our Reference: 23-3231 - Personal Data (SAR & Third Party)
  • All

23-3250 - Crime stats - Keyword Grindr/ victim age <18 - 01/03/22 TD
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:05 | Our Reference: 23-3250 - Crime stats - Keyword Grindr/ victim age <18 - 01/03/22 TD
  • National

23-3249 - Crime Stats - Theft of Motor Vehicles - by area inc. outcome - 2021 TD and Officer leaver stats - moved abroad - Jan 2021 TD
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:05 | Our Reference: 23-3249 - Crime Stats - Theft of Motor Vehicles - by area inc. outcome - 2021 TD and Officer leaver stats - moved abroad - Jan 2021 TD
  • National

23-3247 - Crime stats inc. outcomes - Domestic (Coercive control/ 2018 Act) - 2018 TD
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:05 | Our Reference: 23-3247 - Crime stats inc. outcomes - Domestic (Coercive control/ 2018 Act) - 2018 TD
  • National

23-3236 - FPN Stats - Speeding on 20mph roads at 21-24mph - 2022
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:05 | Our Reference: 23-3236 - FPN Stats - Speeding on 20mph roads at 21-24mph - 2022
  • National

23-3189 - Officer recruitment & promotion stats
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:05 | Our Reference: 23-3189 - Officer recruitment & promotion stats
  • National

23-3188 - Incident Stats - Shoplifting - Children/ school pupils - 2020 To Date
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3188 - Incident Stats - Shoplifting - Children/ school pupils - 2020 To Date
  • National

23-3187 - Personal Data (Subject Access Request)
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3187 - Personal Data (Subject Access Request)
  • National

23-3186 - Crime stats - Dangerous driving - 2020 To Date
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3186 - Crime stats - Dangerous driving - 2020 To Date
  • National

23-3185 - Resources/ Costs/ Arrests - Pro-Palestine marches in Glasgow October 2023 To Date
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3185 - Resources/ Costs/ Arrests - Pro-Palestine marches in Glasgow October 2023 To Date
  • Glasgow

23-3183 - Police Dog stats - breeds/ injuries - 2011 To Date
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3183 - Police Dog stats - breeds/ injuries - 2011 To Date
  • National

23-3182 - Branchform/SNP - costs/rersources
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3182 - Branchform/SNP - costs/rersources
  • National

23-3177 - Professional Standards Department - Complaint stats - use of force - body worn camera - 2023
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3177 - Professional Standards Department - Complaint stats - use of force - body worn camera - 2023
  • National

23-3176 - Training - outsourced commercial training
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3176 - Training - outsourced commercial training
  • National

23-3175 - Football Enquiry Unit - Greater Glasgow - January 2023 To Date
  • Published: 30/05/2024 09:28:04 | Our Reference: 23-3175 - Football Enquiry Unit - Greater Glasgow - January 2023 To Date
  • Glasgow


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