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23-2130 - Uniforms - medal ribbons
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2130 - Uniforms - medal ribbons
  • National

23-2119 - Officer leaver/ recruitment/ transfer/ Volunteer Reserve forces/ military reservists etc statistics
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2119 - Officer leaver/ recruitment/ transfer/ Volunteer Reserve forces/ military reservists etc statistics
  • National

23-2109 - PFI operator / consortium - Jackton training centre
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2109 - PFI operator / consortium - Jackton training centre
  • Glasgow

23-2106 - Officer minimum resource levels/ Operational Base Line - Community, Response & Roads policing - by Division - 2022
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2106 - Officer minimum resource levels/ Operational Base Line - Community, Response & Roads policing - by Division - 2022
  • National

23-2102 - IT - Software - HR & Finance
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2102 - IT - Software - HR & Finance
  • National

23-2070 - Resources - Road Policing Officers - 2020-2022
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2070 - Resources - Road Policing Officers - 2020-2022
  • National

23-2183 - Crime Statistics - Mobile camera speeding - Strathyre - by vehicle type - 1 year
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2183 - Crime Statistics - Mobile camera speeding - Strathyre - by vehicle type - 1 year
  • Forth Valley

23-2180 - Professional Standards Department - Complaints re. murder of Shamsuddin Mahmood 1994
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2180 - Professional Standards Department - Complaints re. murder of Shamsuddin Mahmood 1994
  • National

23-2164 - Grievance statistics - PC against PC, sent to ACC - 2019 & 2020
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2164 - Grievance statistics - PC against PC, sent to ACC - 2019 & 2020
  • National

23-2157 - Firearms Licensing - Air weapon renewal timescale statistics
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:32 | Our Reference: 23-2157 - Firearms Licensing - Air weapon renewal timescale statistics
  • National

23-2146 - Professional Standards Department Complaint statistics - logged by Aberdeen city service delivery - 2021 & 2022
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:31 | Our Reference: 23-2146 - Professional Standards Department Complaint statistics - logged by Aberdeen city service delivery - 2021 & 2022
  • Aberdeen

23-2145 - Custody/ detention statistics - Immigration - nationality/time spent/locus
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:31 | Our Reference: 23-2145 - Custody/ detention statistics - Immigration - nationality/time spent/locus
  • National

23-2134 - Road Traffic Collision - E Scooters - Injured party age <18 - 2021 To Date
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:31 | Our Reference: 23-2134 - Road Traffic Collision - E Scooters - Injured party age <18 - 2021 To Date
  • National

23-2105 - Officers/ Staff - primary work location not owned by Police Scotland
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:31 | Our Reference: 23-2105 - Officers/ Staff - primary work location not owned by Police Scotland
  • National

23-2129 - Professional Standards Department - Complaints/ Misconduct/ Referrals to IOPC Civil Order statistics
  • Published: 28/05/2024 16:29:31 | Our Reference: 23-2129 - Professional Standards Department - Complaints/ Misconduct/ Referrals to IOPC Civil Order statistics
  • National


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