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22-2222 Specific Speed Camera - Calibration Certificate/Speed Data/Prosecutions
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference:
  • All

22-2236 Sudden Deaths - Alexander Thomson, Charles R McIntosh & Queens Park Hotels, Glasgow - March 2020 To date
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2236 Sudden Deaths - Alexander Thomson, Charles R McIntosh & Queens Park Hotels, Glasgow - March 2020 To date
  • All

22-2251 Use of 'Request for Disclosure of Personal Data from External Organisations' form
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2251 Use of 'Request for Disclosure of Personal Data from External Organisations' form
  • All

22-2267 Correspondence etc re. 'Style Builders'/ Orbis contract for boarding up services
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2267 Correspondence etc re. 'Style Builders'/ Orbis contract for boarding up services
  • All

22-2279 Missing Persons (MISPER) - Correspondence with Scot Gov/Cost of investigations/most expensive
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2279 Missing Persons (MISPER) - Correspondence with Scot Gov/Cost of investigations/most expensive
  • All

22-2282 Crime stats - thefts in various areas in D&G - 2020 To date
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2282 Crime stats - thefts in various areas in D&G - 2020 To date
  • All

22-2307 Crime/Incident details - Building Craftsmen Ltd, Corbelly Hill Convent, Maxwell St, Dumfries - 2 years
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2307 Crime/Incident details - Building Craftsmen Ltd, Corbelly Hill Convent, Maxwell St, Dumfries - 2 years
  • All

22-2358 - RTC/ casualty stats - A935 Brechin to Montrose - 2020 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2358 - RTC/ casualty stats - A935 Brechin to Montrose - 2020 TD
  • Dundee

22-2348 - RTC/ casualty stats - A947 Aberdeen to Banff - 2020 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:54 | Our Reference: 22-2348 - RTC/ casualty stats - A947 Aberdeen to Banff - 2020 TD
  • Aberdeen

22-2317 - Lynda Spence enquiry - discovery of remains - man hours / costs
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:53 | Our Reference: 2-2317 - Lynda Spence enquiry - discovery of remains - man hours / costs
  • Glasgow

22-2445 – Officer Convictions – Forfeit of Pension applications – 2019 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:53 | Our Reference: 22-2445 – Officer Convictions – Forfeit of Pension applications – 2019 TD

22-2441 – CHIS/ Informants in ML1 1OL
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:53 | Our Reference: 22-2441 – CHIS/ Informants in ML1 1OL

22-2439 – Personal Data
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:53 | Our Reference: 22-2439 – Personal Data

22-2427 – Dangerous Dog Seizure etc Stats – 2016-21
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:53 | Our Reference: 22-2427 – Dangerous Dog Seizure etc Stats – 2016-21

22-2350 – RTC/ Casualty Stats – A90 Ellon to Peterhead/ Fraserburgh – 2020 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 10:24:53 | Our Reference: 22-2350 – RTC/ Casualty Stats – A90 Ellon to Peterhead/ Fraserburgh – 2020 TD


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