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21-2802 Crime Stats - Brothel Keeping/ Prostitution/ Human Trafficking - Lancefield Quay, Glasgow - 10yrs
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 21-2802 Crime Stats - Brothel Keeping/ Prostitution/ Human Trafficking - Lancefield Quay, Glasgow - 10yrs
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21 2682 RTC Stats - Wallace Street, Falkirk - 2008 TD
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 21 2682 RTC Stats - Wallace Street, Falkirk - 2008 TD
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22-0046 C19 - Legislation re road barriers - Stevenson Beach, North Ayrshire - 2020
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0046 C19 - Legislation re road barriers - Stevenson Beach, North Ayrshire - 2020
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21-2715 Firearms Licensing - licences issued 09/10-21/22
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 21-2715 Firearms Licensing - licences issued 09/10-21/22
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21-2791 21-2791 Websites accessed by PS - Aug-Nov 2021
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 21-2791 21-2791 Websites accessed by PS - Aug-Nov 2021
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22-0032 Custody Stats - by Nationality - 5 years Human Trafficking stats - victim nationality
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0032 Custody Stats - by Nationality - 5 years Human Trafficking stats - victim nationality
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22-0016 Human Trafficking stats - location/result - 5yrs
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0016 Human Trafficking stats - location/result - 5yrs
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21-2665 Investigations 'open' at 01/11/2021, length of time open in years
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 21-2665 Investigations 'open' at 01/11/2021, length of time open in years
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22-0031 - Officer Training - Excited Delirium (ED) or Acute Behavioural Disturbance (ABD) / Use of tasers
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0031 - Officer Training - Excited Delirium (ED) or Acute Behavioural Disturbance (ABD) / Use of tasers
  • National

22-0040 - RTC Stats - driver/rider medical episode - 5 years
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0040 - RTC Stats - driver/rider medical episode - 5 years
  • National

22-0030 - Crime Stats - murder/ homicide - female victim - 2021
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0030 - Crime Stats - murder/ homicide - female victim - 2021
  • National

22-0022 - Officers currently suspended - by rank/ length (C&D)
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0022 - Officers currently suspended - by rank/ length (C&D)
  • National

22-0151 – Death of Willie McRae – Statements/ case status
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:28 | Our Reference: 22-0151 – Death of Willie McRae – Statements/ case status

22-0119 – Missing Person (MISPER) Stats (child) – resident children removed by a parent – 2017-2021
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:27 | Our Reference: 22-0119 – Missing Person (MISPER) Stats (child) – resident children removed by a parent – 2017-2021

22-0081 – Missing Persons (MISPER) Stats – by gender/ child & outcome – 2019-21 & C19 – Officer/ Staff Absence – Self-isolation – 2019-21
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:49:27 | Our Reference: 22-0081 – Missing Persons (MISPER) Stats – by gender/ child & outcome – 2019-21 & C19 – Officer/ Staff Absence – Self-isolation – 2019-21


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