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22 0285 Incident & crime Stats - St Enochs Centre, Glasgow - 6mnths
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22 0285 Incident & crime Stats - St Enochs Centre, Glasgow - 6mnths
  • All

22 0191 Crime Stats - Grooming Children
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22 0191 Crime Stats - Grooming Children
  • All

22 0167 Armed Policing - Taser Use - Jan 2019 TD
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22 0167 Armed Policing - Taser Use - Jan 2019 TD
  • All

22 0162 Officer ill health retirals/mental health issues 2017-2021
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22 0162 Officer ill health retirals/mental health issues 2017-2021
  • All

22 0101 Resources - officers/staff - G7 / COP26 / APPCU / VIP Protection
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22 0101 Resources - officers/staff - G7 / COP26 / APPCU / VIP Protection
  • All

Policy - Crimes committed outside UK by UK nationals
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: Policy - Crimes committed outside UK by UK nationals
  • All

22-0418 - Officer rest days owed / cancelled by rank - 2021 To Date
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0418 - Officer rest days owed / cancelled by rank - 2021 To Date
  • National

22-0472 - Incident details - UFO - 11/02/2022 - Pentlands
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0472 - Incident details - UFO - 11/02/2022 - Pentlands
  • Edinburgh

22-0451 - Estates - Flooding Damage - Internal & External - 2013/14 To Date
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0451 - Estates - Flooding Damage - Internal & External - 2013/14 To Date
  • National

22-0417 - 1998 Arrest procedures re handwriting samples.
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0417 - 1998 Arrest procedures re handwriting samples.
  • National

22-0300 - Correspondence with Scottish Government/ Home Office/ Local Authorities re. Asylum Seekers & Afghan Resettlement Scheme - Aug 21 To Date
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0300 - Correspondence with Scottish Government/ Home Office/ Local Authorities re. Asylum Seekers & Afghan Resettlement Scheme - Aug 21 To Date
  • National

22-0271 - C19 - Complaint re vaccines & MET/ London investigation
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0271 - C19 - Complaint re vaccines & MET/ London investigation
  • National

22-0168 - Independent Legal Advisors
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0168 - Independent Legal Advisors
  • All

22-0301 – Suspension of presumption of innocence/ right to privacy etc.
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0301 – Suspension of presumption of innocence/ right to privacy etc.

22-0299 – Incident Stats – Concern for Person – attended – by div – 2019-21
  • Published: 23/05/2024 13:53:45 | Our Reference: 22-0299 – Incident Stats – Concern for Person – attended – by div – 2019-21


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