Media enquiries and filming requests
Police Scotland’s Corporate Communications department responds to enquiries from journalists who are accredited and in possession of a UK Press Card as managed by the UK Press Card Authority.
Foreign media contacting the news desk may be asked to produce accreditation from their relevant issuing body before a response is provided.
Members of the public should call 101 to contact Police Scotland. In an emergency always call 999.
Contact details for the media
Members of the media who wish to contact Police Scotland with an enquiry can contact our National News Desk on:
0300 424 6000
The News Desk is open from 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am to 5pm, Saturday and Sunday.
Opening hours will be reduced to 9am to 5pm on public holidays and it will be closed on Christmas Day.
Out of hours contact from the media in relation to urgent enquiries about ongoing incidents will be handled initially by control rooms.
Please note that officers working in control rooms are often busy dealing with operational demands, which must always take priority, and they are unable to deal with general enquiries, such as check calls.
Filming requests
Police Scotland receives numerous requests from broadcasters, media organisations and production companies who want us to feature in their programmes, series or documentaries.
Facilitating film crews can require significant resources. It is also important that police officers and staff are able to carry out their duties without disruption.
There is no requirement to seek our permission to film using a drone or at a location - you can make us aware by calling 101 or using the Contact Us form.
Requests for access range from long-term documentary proposals, interview requests with police officers, requests to accompany officers on operational activity or research / background discussion on specific cases for factual or drama programmes.
We recognise that a television documentary can inform, educate and put into context the work of the police and there may be occasions when, after consideration, we will agree to take part in all or some of a documentary. We also reserve the right to decline to take part.
All requests will be considered against the principles of policing purpose and public interest as well as their potential impact on operational policing delivery. In considering your request, we will consult and liaise with the relevant department or unit as appropriate.
If you wish to submit a filming request to Police Scotland, you must complete an initial information form.
Your request will be acknowledged when received and you will be contacted by Corporate Communications once it has been considered.
The following programme types are exempt from the submission process detailed above. These will continue to be dealt with as media enquiries to the National News Desk:
- News programmes,
- Crime appeals,
- Other media facilities e.g. press conference, events.
All companies engaged in filming activity with Police Scotland will be required to sign a non-negotiable document outlining terms and conditions if the proposal is approved.
This is not designed to give Police Scotland editorial control, but it is important for a variety of reasons including indemnity.
For non-Police Scotland related filming, e.g. filming which requires road closures, use of police property or requires the presence of police officers, please refer to the Organising an Event section of the webpage.