Is honour based abuse happening to you?
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Have you been threatened or abused if you've tried to:
- have a relationship or marry someone outside your community or someone within your community that your family don't approve of
- separate or divorce
- talk to certain people
- have sex before marriage
- become pregnant or give birth outside of marriage
- wear clothes your family or community think are inappropriate
- use drugs or alcohol
- access higher education
- challenge what your family or community expect of you
- disagree with the religion of your family or community
People who carry out honour-based abuse are often close family members but also extended family or community members.
Types of honour-based abuse
There isn't a specific crime of honour-based abuse. It can involve a range of crimes and behaviours, such as:
- forced marriage
- domestic abuse (physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial)
- sexual harassment and sexual violence (rape and sexual assault or the threat of)
- threats to kill, physical and emotional violence and murder
- pressure to go or move abroad
- being kept at home with no freedom
- not allowed to use the telephone, internet, or have access to important documents like your passport or birth certificate
- isolation from friends and members of your own family
Report it
Always dial 999 in an emergency.
Reporting by phone – 101 for non-emergencies 0300 426 0101 if calling from out with the UK. Network charges may apply.
Online – for issues of a non-serious nature use our Contact Us form
In Person – Find your local Police Stations and check the Public Counter opening hours
Text Relay – 18001101 for deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired callers.
Support for British Sign Language users/speakers
In writing – to PO BOX 2460, Dalmarnock, Glasgow G40 9BA
We provide interpretation services for people who do not speak English.
Partners and other organisations who can help
Honour-based Abuse | Safeguarding Network