Business advice top 10 security tips
A top 10 list of security tips for business to follow.
1. Conduct a risk assessment. This will look at the threats the organisation might face and how likely they are. This will look at existing and potential vulnerabilities and the impact of any breaches of security.
2. If you are expanding, think about security from the planning stage. It will be cheaper and more effective than adding measures in later.
3. Make security awareness a part of the organisation’s culture. Make sure staff are kept informed and that security standards are fully supported at a senior level.
4. Make sure there is good housekeeping throughout the premises. Keep public areas tidy and well-lit. Remove and unnecessary furniture and keep garden areas clear.
5. Keep access points to a minimum. Issue staff and visitors with passes. Do not allow unauthorised vehicles close to the building.
6. Install security such as locks, alarms, CCTV surveillance, complementary lighting and glazing protection.
7. Have mail-handling procedures. Set up a mailroom away from the main premises.
8. When recruiting staff or contractors, check their identities and follow up on their references.
9. Look at how best to protect information. Take proper IT security precautions. Ensure there are provisions to getting rid of confidential waste.
10. Plan and rehearse business continuity. Have plans to deal with incidents. Make sure that key business areas can continue when there's disruptions.