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22-1259 COP26 / Op Urram - Correspondence re. protests/ protesters - Oct - Nov 2021
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: 22-1259 COP26 / Op Urram - Correspondence re. protests/ protesters - Oct - Nov 2021
  • All

22-1216 Incident Stats - Maxwell's Clarkston - G76 8BG - 2016 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: 22-1216 Incident Stats - Maxwell's Clarkston - G76 8BG - 2016 TD
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22-1220 Data Security / cloud storage / secure destruction etc
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: 22-1220 Data Security / cloud storage / secure destruction etc
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22-1224 Correspondence with Government/ Home Office
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: 22-1224 Correspondence with Government/ Home Office
  • All

22-1225 Use of Private Investigators - & specifically Integritas Investigative Solutions
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: 22-1225 Use of Private Investigators - & specifically Integritas Investigative Solutions
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22-1239 Resources - March through Irvine - 04 Jun 22
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: 22-1239 Resources - March through Irvine - 04 Jun 22
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22-1247 Correspondence w/ Scot Gov re. Resource & Capital Spending Reviews & Medium Financial Strategy
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: Correspondence w/ Scot Gov re. Resource & Capital Spending Reviews & Medium Financial Strategy
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22-1436 - Officer Downsizing/Cuts/Redundancy - Plans & Correspondence with Scottish Government
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:36 | Our Reference: 22-1436 - Officer Downsizing/Cuts/Redundancy - Plans & Correspondence with Scottish Government
  • National

22-1362 - Crime Statistics - Domestic - Victim Age Over 65 - Relationship Type - 2020/21 & 2021/22
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:35 | Our Reference: 22-1362 - Crime Statistics - Domestic - Victim Age Over 65 - Relationship Type - 2020/21 & 2021/22
  • National

22-1428 - Crime/Incident Statistics - Hate - Religious - Catholicism - 5 Years Officer/Staff Complaints/Misconduct. Discipline re Same
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:35 | Our Reference: 22-1428 - Crime/Incident Statistics - Hate - Religious - Catholicism - 5 Years Officer/Staff Complaints/Misconduct. Discipline re Same
  • National

22-1394 - Fixed Speed Cameras - location & detections - 2017/18 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:35 | Our Reference: 22-1394 - Fixed Speed Cameras - location & detections - 2017/18 TD
  • All

22-1496 - Crime stats - Property Factors - 2011 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:35 | Our Reference: 22-1496 - Crime stats - Property Factors - 2011 TD
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22-1467 - Crime Stats - dangerous/ careless cycling - Anderston/City/Yorkhill Ward - Glasgow - 2021 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:35 | Our Reference: 22-1467 - Crime Stats - dangerous/ careless cycling - Anderston/City/Yorkhill Ward - Glasgow - 2021 TD
  • Glasgow

22-1295 - Incident stats & reports - keywords 'strange light', 'flying object', 'sky' - May 19 TD
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:35 | Our Reference: 22-1295 - Incident stats & reports - keywords 'strange light', 'flying object', 'sky' - May 19 TD
  • All

22-1504 – Personal Data (SAR)
  • Published: 24/05/2024 09:48:35 | Our Reference: 22-1504 – Personal Data (SAR)


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