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ACC Stuart Houston

Assistant Chief Constable Professionalism and Assurance

Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Houston is the executive lead for Professionalism and Assurance.

ACC Houston's portfolio consists of the following business areas:

  • Professional Standards
  • Learning, Training and Development
  • Ethics & Values​
  • Anti-Corruption
  • Vetting
  • Awards & Ceremonies
  • Governance
  • Audit, Risk and Assurance
  • Chief Data Office (including GDPR)
  • Freedom of Information & Information Sharing
  • Information Management
  • Firearms & Explosive Licensing
  • Executive Support
  • Strategic Engagement Coordination
  • Health and Safety
  • Public Inquiries
  • Organisational Learning & Continuous Improvement

ACC Houston was appointed to his current portfolio in August 2023 and prior to this he performed command roles within Intelligence Support and Organised Crime and Counter Terrorism Unit within Specialist Crime Division.

He joined Lothian and Borders Police in May 1996 and has undertaken a number of investigative roles across Local Policing and SCD.

With responsibility for Governance, T/ACC Houston also maintains strategic oversight of the delivery of legal requirements associated with matters such as Public Inquiries, overseeing the implementation of organisational learning and continuous improvement.

​He was appointed ACC in June 2024.


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