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Police Scotland Youth Volunteers

Welcome to Police Scotland Youth Volunteers

PSYV promotes a practical way for young people to understand policing by supporting the Police in their local area through volunteering. As part of this, young people are given a chance for their voice to be heard and encouraged to promote good citizenship.

The Police Scotland Youth Volunteers Programme gives young people an insight into policing in Scotland and inspires them to participate positively in their communities. PSYV in Scotland aim to:

  • Promote a practical understanding of policing amongst all young people;
  • Encourage the spirit of adventure and good citizenship;
  • Support local policing priorities through volunteering;
  • Give young people a chance to be heard; and
  • Inspire young people to participate positively in their communities.

Volunteers have actively supported policing in Scotland for over 100 years by joining the service as Special Constables.  The programme gives young people of all backgrounds a positive means of engagement with the police service. Through regular training and participation in community safety initiatives, youth volunteers are given opportunities to overcome barriers and discover their talents whilst making a positive contribution to their communities.

Find out what we've been up to

Find out what we have been up to recently and follow us on our Facebook account  or our Twitter/ X account.

Psyv Landing Youth volunteers
Psyv Landing Adult volunteers

What our members say

Psyv Landing Testimonial East
Psyv Landing Testimonial West
Psyv Landing Testimonial North

Event support

If you are hosting an event that requires PSYV marshalling and support use our event booking form.

Invite the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers to assist.

Complete the Event Request form. Your local PSYV Group Coordinator will contact you as soon as possible.

Duties to consider that the PSYV have assisted with at previous sports, arts and community events include:

  • Meeting and greeting visitors
  • Handing out leaflets/literature
  • Handing out 'I'm lost' wristbands to children
  • Litter picks
  • Signposting visitors
  • Lost/found property
  • General assistance
  • This list is not exhaustive, please specify on the form any anticipated duties for PSYV's at your event and the group coordinator will discuss these with you.

Please note, submitting this form does not guarantee PSYV assistance. Demand is high and each one depends on the suitability of the event, the duties and availability. Please give at least one month's notice of your event.