Your Stop and Search Information
If you have been stopped and searched by the police then you are entitled to a copy of your record of stop and search. You are entitled to this within six months of the search date.
You can get a copy of your stop and search information by downloading, completing and sending a Stop and Search Information Request form.
You'll need to send this with the required identification to the Stop and Search Disclosure Team. You can do this either by post, email or by calling in at a police station.
If you cannot download the form you can call in at a police station for help.
Stop and Search Information is not available to you in the following situations:
- If you did not provide your name, address and date of birth at the time of the search
- If you were searched in accordance with Section 67 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 (a search as part of entry to a premises or event where consenting to a search has been imposed by the organiser). These searches shouldn't be recorded
- If you were searched after being arrested
- If the search was of a vehicle, vessel and/or premises and did not involve a search of your person
- If you were searched under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (governed by a separate code).
If you are unhappy about the way you were treated by the police, you can make a complaint.
You can visit your local police office or contact us on the non-emergency number 101.