Progress of my complaint

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This form will allow you to be updated on the progress of your existing complaint.

Please enter your complaint correspondent ID which is on your letter from the Professional Standards Department advising your complaint has been moved to investigations.

Please ensure that it has been typed in correctly as an incorrect ID may prevent us from responding to you.

Please remember that due to current demand, it is likely to take in excess of 6 months before we will be able to allocate to an officer for investigation.

All fields marked with (required) are mandatory and must be filled in.

Date of Birth
Select the date of birth
For example : CO/01234/25 or MI/01234/25
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Complaint reference identifier

Your complaint reference will start with the letters CO or MI.
It will look similar to the following two examples CO/01234/25 or MI/01234/25
Please ensure that the details entered are correct as this will allow us to respond.

You have got 300 characters to tell us.